Friday, January 15, 2010

My project for 2010…

I believe in more, not less.
So on New Years Eve when others are planning their resolution to do less – to lose weight or to drink less or to not spend as much money - each year I am always vowing to do more. More drinking, more delicious food, more travel, more learning, more listening, more fun, more sunshine and more of all of the things that I love. So for 2010 I thought I would combine my passion for travel, writing and photography to create this blog.
I know I am very lucky. I have an amazing job that affords me six weeks of vacation and the means to see a bit of the world. And while I do hope that someday that I’ll have some kids to suck up all of my extra time and money – until then I’ll be enjoying the life I have. Hopefully you’ll enjoy reading about it.