Thursday, June 20, 2013


As some of you may know, my travel schedule in the last year or so has been scaled back compared to previous years. And while I managed to pack in a lot of travel when I first lost my job in late 2011, it drastically diminished in the eight months that followed when I went without any work (or a paycheck). I then started a fairly intense employment contract that didn't really afford me the same kind vacation opportunities I was so used to – resulting in a couple of brief (but still wonderful) trips. But that just wasn’t enough.

My passion for travel has become a big part of my life…when I am traveling and even when I am not. It has taught me the value of setting (and achieving) goals, both big and small, and forced me to face some of my fears (like my fear of heights!) head on. It has satisfied my curious nature with endless research and keeps me feeling young by teaching me the basics all over again (like learning to count to ten in Swahili). The traveling “me” and the “me” at home in her regular life aren’t really all that different anymore. I try to look at everything, at home or away, through the same lens – with curiosity, humility and appreciation.

The older we get, our time and our youth become increasingly precious. And while the bills obviously have to get paid, it is important to be vigilant about what is precious to you. Whether it is seeing the world or spending time with your family or doing whatever it is that you love. It’s not just a stupid cliché - life IS short. Really short.

That contract job was just never going to work for me. So I gave my notice and, on a whim, started my own consulting business. And now my schedule is my own and I have no idea why I didn't do it sooner.

At the same time I started the business, I also had the brilliant idea of planning an extensive trip to Tanzania, a trip that would involve climbing Mount Kilimanjaro – something well outside of my comfort zone. In retrospect, it does seems like a lot of pressure to put on one’s self – get a new business off the ground and plan and pay for an (expensive) vacation all within six months. But, I think both goals worked together in a way that ensured that both were achieved.

The posts that follow will cover off my epic trip to Tanzania that included a safari, the Mount Kilimanjaro climb, some beach time on the island of Zanzibar as well as a night in the UNESCO World Heritage city of Stone Town.
